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Western culture places great value on knowledge, empiricism, and test scores but often neglects the application thereof. I think this problem sometimes exists in Christian spirituality. I certainly struggle with it.
Stumbling blindly, never drinking deeply of the
Enriching, cleansing, healing Spring of Life
Lifetime bleeding, never reaching toward the ever
Forgiving hand you claim to hold in yours
Don’t just look forward to the eternal inheritance
For the deposit is already within you
Children of promise
From freedom to bondage
The struggle of history
We’d rather be enslaved to a system
And serving religion
Than living the mystery
And it’s killing me
Dark is passing, light amassing in the chosen
A world enchanted by this love divine
Release your fear, the time is here to walk in step
With the God who overcame the evil one
No worldly teacher gives you eternal significance
The Holy Spirit is already within you
I’ve tried living the curse of the Law
Such pride to think I could transcend the Fall
The fool rests in the wisdom of man
True faith rests in the power of God
Trust God or Trust Man?
It is easy to believe we must memorize the entire Bible in order to be spiritual. It is easy to believe we must rely on the writings of seminarians in order to be spiritual. It is easy to believe we must rely on our local Bible teachers for all wisdom, guidance, and life direction. There is great value in all these things. My life has certainly been enriched by Scripture, but at times, I have spent so much energy trying to memorize it that I was distracted from the fact that God is already inside me. My life has certainly been enriched by Christian writers and theologians, but they gleaned their knowledge from the same God who already lives inside me. I have been guided and encouraged by pastors of local churches, but they are instructed to equip me for Christian life and protect me from false doctrine, not to dictate my every decision.
But people want to put their hopes in human beings. We want to believe that spiritual leaders, heads of state, and American idols can tell us the meaning of life and lead us to our ultimate destination. But the truth is, as Christians, the ultimate destination is already inside us. The Bible says we can know God’s thoughts, that we actually have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 1–2), that we don’t need anyone to teach us (1 John 2:27). The Bible tells us not to put our hope in princes but in God (Ps. 146), who directs the hearts of kings like a channel directs water (Prov. 21:1). The Bible says God does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13).
I am not advocating the dissolution of church authority or the contradiction of pastoral teaching that closely follows Scripture. I am not saying Christians should defy civil authorities. I am simply saying that when a new situation or decision makes me fearful, I must say to myself, “God has empowered me to face every situation I will encounter in my life. He knows what I need before I ask. He has given me divine authority to navigate this world. Why would I give that authority to someone else?”
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